Monday, August 20, 2012

Lunch at Anthony's

I was hungover and needed a premium feeding. Anthony is always good for this. We headed to a gorgio vegetable shop in Donnybrook and raided it. We made avocado salad, courgette salad and braised puy lentils. We drank sparkling elderflower and had Kyle's raspberry and blueberry slushie for desert. Banana bread was also baked. I was so happy.

Friday, August 17, 2012

I've been away, but I haven't stopped eating

So I'm back flogging. I'm not gonna make excuses here, I just got mega lazy and was concentrating on the food too much to whip up a blurb. Also, I think I've put on about a half a stone since I last blogged, so if you're looking for healthy inspiration, don't look here - I like full fat everything, real butter, carbs and lots of cheese.

I wanna also clear something up right now - I mostly get food made for me and I just snap it and write about it. I am no culinary whizz nor ever claimed to be, I just like eating and posting the photos of my spoils. For my first post back I'm just going to post a bunch of pictures of what I've eaten in the past month. My month in food (in no particular order):